Monday, February 16, 2009

Education:Top 10 colleges of India

Education:Top 10 colleges of India: "Perhaps the last repository of the Oxbridge culture in India, St Stephen's has often been accused of being a finishing school, a networking society and even a dilettante's paradise. Of course, it is all these. But underneath the public school veneer lurks a fierce work culture and competitive spirit. Stephanians love understating the atmosphere of excellence that permeates the college's corridors, but are nevertheless very conscious of it. With one difference: excellence is not measured in academic achievement alone.

This may be why the college comes alive after the formal teaching is over. When every day at least six of the two dozen or so societies -- ranging from the Shakespeare Society, the Wodehouse Society and the Informal Discussion Group -- meet. As Principal Anil Wilson puts it, 'That's when the real education starts.' There are day scholars and boarders, but in the college hierarchy 'gentlemen (and, since last year, ladies) in residence' are the brahmins. And 'residence' spawns its own sub-culture and breed of snobbery."

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