Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Personal Health - In Retirement, Doing Work That Matters - Jane E. Brody -

Personal Health - In Retirement, Doing Work That Matters - Jane E. Brody - "Ms. Sedlar and Mr. Miners quote Norma Collier, a 62-year-old marketing manager who wants to make a difference: “Before I die I want to do something to make the world a better place, and this is the time to do it — not when I’m really old and decrepit, but when I’m still active.”

As these authors put it: “Rewiring is different from retirement because it starts from inside you. Rewiring is not about responding to someone else’s goals for you or living out society’s agenda for you. Rewiring comes from you, your personal motivators, your vision, your dreams, your goals and your values. That’s why rewiring is so satisfying for so many people.”"

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