Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Investors Hub - SwingTrade Member Forum (SWING) Message Board - Post #177867
Investors Hub - SwingTrade Member Forum (SWING) Message Board - Post #177867: "I spend about 15 minutes a year on economic analysis. The way you lose money in the stock market is to start off with an economic picture. I also spend 15 minutes a year on where the stock market is going"
Investors Hub - SwingTrade Member Forum (SWING) Message Board - Post #177867
Investors Hub - SwingTrade Member Forum (SWING) Message Board - Post #177867: "It's absolute crap that people need to spend 60 hours a week analyzing companies, ... All you need are a few stocks to make money. If you find one stock a year, that's plenty. When I was running Magellan I had to find one a week but that was because I had billions of dollars. The average person needs only a few good stocks in a lifetime.'"
KnowVestor - Investing, Wealth Creation, Multibaggers, Stock Analysis, Investing Legends..: Some Guru Mantras of Investing
KnowVestor - Investing, Wealth Creation, Multibaggers, Stock Analysis, Investing Legends..: Some Guru Mantras of Investing: "There are all kinds of businesses that I don't understand, but that doesn't cause me to stay up at night. It just means I go on to the next one, and that's what the individual investor should do.' - Warren Buffett"
Friday, January 23, 2009
Gmail - US calls China’s bluff -
Gmail - US calls China’s bluff - "'It requires strength of character in order to think and to act in opposite fashion from the crowd and also patience to wait for opportunities that may be spaced years apart.'- Benjamin Graham"
Thursday, January 22, 2009
13 Things to Avoid When Changing Habits | Zen Habits
13 Things to Avoid When Changing Habits | Zen Habits: "“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” - Jim Ryun"
Books - From Books, President-elect Barack Obama Found His Voice -
Books - From Books, President-elect Barack Obama Found His Voice - "As Baldwin once observed, language is both “a political instrument, means, and proof of power,” and “the most vivid and crucial key to identity: it reveals the private identity, and connects one with, or divorces one from, the larger, public, or communal identity.”"
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
‘The Speech’: The Experts’ Critique - Room for Debate Blog -
‘The Speech’: The Experts’ Critique - Room for Debate Blog - "“Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.”"
In the lap of luxury, Paris squirms - Print Version - International Herald Tribune
In the lap of luxury, Paris squirms - Print Version - International Herald Tribune: "The old financial order had been 'perverted' by 'amoral' and uncontrolled capitalism, Sarkozy said, deploring the fact that, 'the signs of wealth count more than wealth itself.'
He praised the 'return of the state' as a regulator of capitalist excess."
He praised the 'return of the state' as a regulator of capitalist excess."
Gmail - Barack Obama’s no. 1 priority -
Gmail - Barack Obama’s no. 1 priority - "In a bull market, one must avoid the error of the preening duck that quacks boastfully after a torrential rainstorm, thinking that its paddling skills have caused it to rise in the world. A right-thinking duck would instead compare its position after the downpour to that of the other ducks on the pond'. - Warren Buffett"
Gmail - The UK is finished -
Gmail - The UK is finished - "Get inside information from the president and you will probably lose half your money. If you get it from the chairman of the board, you will lose all of your money. - Jim Rogers"
Gmail - The UK is finished -
Gmail - The UK is finished - "Get inside information from the president and you will probably lose half your money. If you get it from the chairman of the board, you will lose all of your money. - Jim Rogers"
Today's Paper - New York Times
Today's Paper - New York Times: "Quotation of the Day
'Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.'
'Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.'
106-Year-Old Voter’s Cheerful Longevity Secret - Well Blog -
106-Year-Old Voter’s Cheerful Longevity Secret - Well Blog - "The cable network asked her about the secret to her longevity.
“I ain’t got time to die,” she said. “I don’t know how it happened, but being cheerful had a lot to do with it. I’ve always been a happy person, a giggling person — a wide-mouthed person!”"
“I ain’t got time to die,” she said. “I don’t know how it happened, but being cheerful had a lot to do with it. I’ve always been a happy person, a giggling person — a wide-mouthed person!”"
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Doctor and Patient - Putting a Price on Compassion -
Doctor and Patient - Putting a Price on Compassion - "We need to give money its proper due but remember that our work, and our worth, is and can be more than the monetary sum of parts. We need to begin, as the Batista case has shown us, by looking critically at our own assumptions about what we value and how we value it. Or else we risk putting even our most priceless gifts at peril."
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Gmail - India, ape Gujarat... -
Gmail - India, ape Gujarat... - "Attractive opportunities come from observing human behavior. In 1998, people behaved like frightened cavemen. People make their own opportunities. They will be frozen by fear, excited by greed and it doesn’t matter what their IQ, degrees etc is' - Warren Buffett"
Gmail - Infosys’ startling disclosure -
Gmail - Infosys’ startling disclosure - "04:49 Today’s investing mantra
'To suppose that the value of a common stock is determined purely by a corporation's earnings discounted by the relevant interest rates and adjusted for the marginal tax rate is to forget that people have burned witches, gone to war on a whim, risen to the defense of Joseph Stalin and believed Orson Wells when he told them over the radio that the Martians had landed' - Jim Grant"
'To suppose that the value of a common stock is determined purely by a corporation's earnings discounted by the relevant interest rates and adjusted for the marginal tax rate is to forget that people have burned witches, gone to war on a whim, risen to the defense of Joseph Stalin and believed Orson Wells when he told them over the radio that the Martians had landed' - Jim Grant"
Gmail - Last Chance: The Time is Now. -
Gmail - Last Chance: The Time is Now. - "'The time to get interested is when no one else is. You can't buy what is popular and do well.' -Warren Buffett
Dear Investor:"
Dear Investor:"
Gmail - Perils of having a charismatic leader -
Gmail - Perils of having a charismatic leader - "Investors making purchases in an overheated market need to recognize that it may often take an extended period for the value of even an outstanding company to catch up with the price they paid' - Warren Buffett" Customer Reviews: Outliers: The Story of Success Customer Reviews: Outliers: The Story of Success: "If you don't know what success 'is', you cannot prepare for it, January 15, 2009
By P. M. Lewis 'Im-Not-Ted' (NC) - See all my reviews
Having read all of Gladwell's popular titles I see the continuation of his endless quest for the answer to 'why'. The book combines the right amount of mystery, fact, and analysis. There are no life changing outcomes here if you already understand much of life is who you know. The book helps explain why you know who you know and how the systems that humans have created serve to keep your 'who you know list' quite limited. Overall, the text makes sense and adds another conversation point for social gatherings or filling time before a meeting."
By P. M. Lewis 'Im-Not-Ted' (NC) - See all my reviews
Having read all of Gladwell's popular titles I see the continuation of his endless quest for the answer to 'why'. The book combines the right amount of mystery, fact, and analysis. There are no life changing outcomes here if you already understand much of life is who you know. The book helps explain why you know who you know and how the systems that humans have created serve to keep your 'who you know list' quite limited. Overall, the text makes sense and adds another conversation point for social gatherings or filling time before a meeting."
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Fresh Start for a New Year? Let’s Begin in the Kitchen - Readers' Comments -
Fresh Start for a New Year? Let’s Begin in the Kitchen - Readers' Comments - "Complaining about how one has 'no time' is simply contradictory to the entire thesis of Mark Bittman. His whole point is that one ought to take the time, because it will make your life better. Instead of allowing the kids to scoot around the kitchen, teach them how to cook with you. Allow them to engage with food and discover its many flavors. Some of the best moments in my marriage are spent cooking with my wife, learning together. For those worried about affording these things, try a small herb garden to start with. My family has a large operation, but I also have a few pots on the back porch for the essentials: basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, thyme, thyme, mint, sage, etc. If you harvest once in the peak of warm summer weather and dry those herbs, and harvest once more in autumn, you will have plenty of good dried herbs that you do not have to buy and that taste very good throughout the winter.
Time is what you do with it, and life is about sacrificing some things for others. Mark Bittman is about sacrificing a little to gain a whole lot, and his approach does work. Food is important, and passion for life goes well beyond merely feeding the kids."
Time is what you do with it, and life is about sacrificing some things for others. Mark Bittman is about sacrificing a little to gain a whole lot, and his approach does work. Food is important, and passion for life goes well beyond merely feeding the kids."
Gmail - The vicious debt cycle -
Gmail - The vicious debt cycle - "'The fact that people will be full of greed, fear or folly is predictable. The sequence is not predictable' - Warren Buffett"
In Madoff scandal, Jews feel an acute betrayal - International Herald Tribune
In Madoff scandal, Jews feel an acute betrayal - International Herald Tribune: "Rabbi Kalmanofsky said he was struck by reports that Madoff had tried to give bonus payments to his employees just before he was arrested, that he was moved to do something right even as he was about to be charged with doing so much wrong. 'The small-scale thought for people who work for him amidst this large-scale fraud — what is the dissonance between that sense of responsibility and the gross sense of irresponsibility?' he said."
In Madoff scandal, Jews feel an acute betrayal - International Herald Tribune
In Madoff scandal, Jews feel an acute betrayal - International Herald Tribune: "Several rabbis said they were reminded of Esau, a figure of mistrust in the Bible. According to a rabbinic interpretation, Esau, upon embracing his brother Jacob after 20 years apart, was actually frisking him to see what he could steal. 'The saying goes that, when Esau kisses you,' Rabbi Visotzky said, 'check to make sure your teeth are still there.'"
In Madoff scandal, Jews feel an acute betrayal - International Herald Tribune
In Madoff scandal, Jews feel an acute betrayal - International Herald Tribune: "In addition to theft, the Torah discusses another kind of stealing, geneivat da'at, the Hebrew term for deception or stealing someone's mind. 'In the rabbinic mind-set, he's guilty of two sins: one is theft, and the other is deception"
Thomas L. Friedman: Time to reboot America - Print Version - International Herald Tribune
Thomas L. Friedman: Time to reboot America - Print Version - International Herald Tribune: "needs to lead us on a journey to rediscover, rebuild and reinvent our own backyard"
Thomas L. Friedman: Time to reboot America - Print Version - International Herald Tribune
Thomas L. Friedman: Time to reboot America - Print Version - International Herald Tribune: "That's why we don't just need a bailout. We need a reboot. We need a build out. We need a buildup. We need a national makeover. That is why the next few months are among the most important"
Thomas L. Friedman: Time to reboot America - Print Version - International Herald Tribune
Thomas L. Friedman: Time to reboot America - Print Version - International Herald Tribune: "'
We can't continue in this mode of 'Dumb as we wanna be.'"
We can't continue in this mode of 'Dumb as we wanna be.'"
Thomas L. Friedman: Time to reboot America - Print Version - International Herald Tribune
Thomas L. Friedman: Time to reboot America - Print Version - International Herald Tribune: "'
We can't continue in this mode of 'Dumb as we wanna be.'"
We can't continue in this mode of 'Dumb as we wanna be.'"
Gmail - Do as Experts Say, Not as They Do - - Sent Using Google Toolbar -
Gmail - Do as Experts Say, Not as They Do - - Sent Using Google Toolbar - "My point here isn't that these financial luminaries are hypocrites but, rather, that they are human. We all need help living up to our best intentions.
It is easy to make a resolution to research your investments more, trade less, cut your costs, sell your underperformers, put your money into index funds or take no risk you don't understand. But intention is a lot easier than implementation.
To turn a resolution into resolve, write down exactly what you plan to do, along with the time and place when you will implement that intention ('next Sunday morning at 10:30, at the desk in my study, right after we get home from church'). Include a mental 'packing list' of any information or resources you will need to implement your plan of action.
Finally, make a point of telling someone else what you have resolved and when and how you will enact it. Going public makes going through with it easier"
It is easy to make a resolution to research your investments more, trade less, cut your costs, sell your underperformers, put your money into index funds or take no risk you don't understand. But intention is a lot easier than implementation.
To turn a resolution into resolve, write down exactly what you plan to do, along with the time and place when you will implement that intention ('next Sunday morning at 10:30, at the desk in my study, right after we get home from church'). Include a mental 'packing list' of any information or resources you will need to implement your plan of action.
Finally, make a point of telling someone else what you have resolved and when and how you will enact it. Going public makes going through with it easier"
Gmail - Do as Experts Say, Not as They Do - - Sent Using Google Toolbar -
Gmail - Do as Experts Say, Not as They Do - - Sent Using Google Toolbar - "To turn a resolution into resolve, write down exactly what you plan to do, along with the time and place when you will implement that intention ('next Sunday morning at 10:30, at the desk in my study, right after we get home from church'). Include a mental 'packing list' of any information or resources you will need to implement your plan of action.
Finally, make a point of telling someone else what you have resolved and when and how you will enact it. Going public makes going through with it easier."
Finally, make a point of telling someone else what you have resolved and when and how you will enact it. Going public makes going through with it easier."
Truth about Satyam: rise and fall of Ramalinga Raju - Corporate News -
Truth about Satyam: rise and fall of Ramalinga Raju - Corporate News - "It is always important to stay focused and to avoid distractions"
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Hay House, Inc. | New York Times Bestsellers
Hay House, Inc. | New York Times Bestsellers: "1.
The Answer is Simple…Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit!
by Sonia Choquette
Format: Hardcover
The most exciting part is that learning to love yourself and live your Spirit is actually quite simple when you realize the truth revealed herein: that you are not the ego, but rather are Divine, Holy Spirit. Once you do, everything will come alive in light and joy. Love yourself and live your Spirit, and your life flows peacefully. It really is that simple."
The Answer is Simple…Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit!
by Sonia Choquette
Format: Hardcover
The most exciting part is that learning to love yourself and live your Spirit is actually quite simple when you realize the truth revealed herein: that you are not the ego, but rather are Divine, Holy Spirit. Once you do, everything will come alive in light and joy. Love yourself and live your Spirit, and your life flows peacefully. It really is that simple."
Do as Experts Say, Not as They Do -
Do as Experts Say, Not as They Do - "To turn a resolution into resolve, write down exactly what you plan to do, along with the time and place when you will implement that intention ('next Sunday morning at 10:30, at the desk in my study, right after we get home from church'). Include a mental 'packing list' of any information or resources you will need to implement your plan of action.
Finally, make a point of telling someone else what you have resolved and when and how you will enact it. Going public makes going through with it easier."
Finally, make a point of telling someone else what you have resolved and when and how you will enact it. Going public makes going through with it easier."
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Exercise - Reporter's File - Does Exercise Really Keep Us Healthy? - NY Times Health
Exercise - Reporter's File - Does Exercise Really Keep Us Healthy? - NY Times Health: "The difficulty, Dr. Blair says, is that it’s much easier to eat 1,000 calories than to burn off 1,000 calories with exercise. As he relates, “An old football coach used to say, ‘I have all my assistants running five miles a day, but they eat 10 miles a day.’”"
Friday, January 2, 2009
Gmail - The worst is yet to come -
Gmail - The worst is yet to come - "'Even when the underlying motive of purchase is mere speculative greed, human nature desires to conceal this unlovely impulse behind a screen of apparent logic and good sense.' - Benjamin Graham"
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